Here We Go

This is my attempt to journal and let others in on what adventures I am currently experiencing. Not sure where this will take me, but I look forward to hearing from others as they read and as they tell me of their adventures. I guess this is one more way of doing life together. Well let the adventure begin.......

Life Changing

Life Changing
Seeing The Word In A Whole New Way

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are You Ready To Rumble?

Today I am sitting in Morehead Kentucky preparing for the State General Assembly. The first one I have attended since moving back. I could state many reasons why I have not attended, but it will still come down to my lack of understanding of or wanting to participate in church politics.

How many people do you know that go to a hockey match to watch hockey? Aren't they secretly wanting a fight to break out. Or how many go to a Nascar event not hoping for a wreck, not that the wreck will hurt anyone, but will stir up the pot a little. That is how I feel coming to meetings like this.

In a place where we are suppose to be coming together to seek unity, not uniformity, it seems that some come looking for a fight or a wreck to happen. Is this really what we are called too? Aren't we called to look for every possible way to avoid a fight or a wreck? Are we not called to live at peace as much as it depends upon us? Are we not called to show that we are disciples by our love for one another?

I have often heard the statement made by those who were once in ministry, " I have gotten out of ministry so that I could be in ministry." They were tired of the fights and wrecks.

So I sit here wandering which should I do, go and sit and watch grown men and women wait in anticipation of a wreck or a fight or stay in my room and watch a Nascar race or a hockey match?

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